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1 July 2005 A checklist of the vascular flora of Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Apache County, Arizona
Glenn Rink
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Rink, G. (Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, AZ 86001) J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 132: 510–532. 2005—A total of 243 new species records, 60 new generic records, and 11 new family records were documented for Canyon de Chelly National Monument, bringing the known flora of the Monument to 771 species. This work is part of an inventory carried out throughout the National Park Service as part of the Natural Resource Challenge, a legislative and administrative mandate. Four species are on or proposed for the Navajo Nation Endangered Species List. Additions to the flora include Carex specuicola, a Listed Threatened species, and Zigadenus vaginatus, both on the Navajo Endangered Species List. Astragalus chuskanus, Cirsium chellyense, Lupinus caudatus subsp. cutleri, and a white-flowered form of Mertensia oblongifolia are endemic to the Monument and surrounding area.

Glenn Rink "A checklist of the vascular flora of Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Apache County, Arizona," The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132(3), 510-532, (1 July 2005).[510:ACOTVF]2.0.CO;2
Received: 8 May 2005; Published: 1 July 2005
biological inventory
Canyon de Chelly
rare plants
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